Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Once Upon A Time...

Once upon a time, before Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, atau makhluk semacamnya eksis... what did I do on my 'spare time'?
Koq spare time-nya pake tanda kutip? Karena yang dimaksud bukan bener-bener spare time, sometimes it's more like... killing time or... I hate to admit it, but I'll just have to say it, some kind of activity to waste time :p
Hmm... let's see... time before Facebook exist? I used to kill my time with Friendster. Haha... parah banget sih... Ok, go further before Friendster, what did I do? I 'live my life' on The Sims!!!
Ok...ok... my current version of me would say to my old version "Get a life!"
Harsh, I know... but looking back at myself back then, I really need to get a life. Get out of this current comfort zone (it's no longer comfort anymore anyway). Expand my comfort zone. Explore the world just like Dora (maybe I can replace the monkey with a cat? or tiger would look cool, I guess...).
Wuaaa... so many things flying around inside my head...
Arkarna would sing 'so little time, so much to do'
I would sing Taylor Swift's "I don't know what I want, so don't ask me, I'm still trying to figure it out"
And when I scroll up to the beginning of this writing, sebenernya aku mau nulis apa sih?
Ge-je... Lagi pengen nulis aja.
Menumpahkan isi otak...
Mudah-mudahan jadi lebih jelas kalau sudah ditumpahkan sebagian.
Andaikan otak bisa di defrag semudah mendefrag harddisk, hehe... *ngayaldotcom

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