11:57:15 AM
breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you
want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and
get busy.”
banget kutipan ini! Ha3x… kesindir abis, nich! Selama ini saya cuma
diem di rumah aja, ceritanya sih mengumpulkan keberanian sebelum
bener2 menghadap dosen untuk bimbingan. Tapi kejadiannya malah
sebaliknya. Semakin lama diam di rumah, semakin minder, semakin keder
plus semakin malas buat ngerjain skripsi (bahkan buat ketemu siapapun
jadi males, soalnya pasti pada nanyain skripsi juga, sensitive
topic nih, fu3x…). You know why? Kayanya sih saking
menikmati kesendirian, keterasingan (ciee…udah kaya yang menyepi
aja nih ceritanya…), jadinya bingung lagi buat ketemu orang.
Interpersonal skill-nya udah makin tumpul aja nih. Buat
ngomong sama sales counter aja gagapnya minta ampun. Parah ga
sih?! Gimana mo ngomong ama dosen?!!!
night, udah diingetin lagi ama seorang temen untuk segera
ngerjain skripsi. Gimana ya? Bukan maksud hati tak mengindahkan
anjuran teman2, but… I just… lose courage… well… maybe not
really lose, just lack of courage (everyone, please don’t mock my
English skill, I’m just ordinary human, okay… ;)).
(lagi), I can’t stop laughing at myself. I keep reading
self-help books to help me grow courage, but still… as you can see,
I still just stay at home, doing nothing (not really doing nothing
actually, I’m still watching TV, movies, playing games,etc…
The quotation really… really… stab me. It’s sooooo………
is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something
else is more important than fear.”
lagi! Skripsi dan kelulusan itu jauuuhhh… lebih penting daripada
ketakutan untuk tampak bodoh. Hey… I look smarter with my
eyeglasses, don’t you think? He3x… Mungkin saya emang
paranoid, terlalu banyak dihantui ketakutan. Takut tampak bodoh,
takut tiba-tiba kehilangan kata-kata, takut ga bisa jawab pertanyaan
yang sebenarnya mudah, takut grogi, takut tampak gemetaran, takut…
takut… mungkin intinya saya terlalu takut dengan penilaian orang
lain. Dan kalau dipikir-pikir, ini semua jadi tampak seperti alasan
bodoh. Ketakutan yang ga beralasan. Mudah sih buat ngomong kaya gini.
Dan ini bikin saya makin ngerasa bodoh. Why should I keep those
fears? Udah tahu semua ketakutan itu ga beralasan, kenapa masih
dipelihara juga. Heren!
is doing what you’re afraid to do. There can be no courage unless
you’re scared.”
okay… I got it!!!
saya harus memberanikan diri datang ke kampus, menampakkan batang
hidung, setor muka, dan…… bimbingan… c’mon… what’s so
scary about it? Dosen juga manusia toh, they won’t bite.
Think of the worst scenario, seancur-ancurnya jawabanku, saya ga
kan diapa-apain kan? Saya pasti masih hidup… (hiks3x… ngomong sih
emang gampang ya, tapi yang lebih ditakutin kan perasaanku nantinya
kaya mana, perasaanku yang hancur berkeping-keping kalo saya ngerasa
jawabanku terlalu bodoh, penampilanku terlalu grogi… damn… I
started it again!!!).
you are going to wait for someone to encourage you to do something,
you might as well just give it up.
I stop doing this. I feel like there’s no one but myself left to
blame (well… it is my mistake anyway…). These quotations just
killing me, but I can’t deny that they’re true… they’re
soooo… true. The big question is… will I do something after I
know that I already realize my mistake? Will I take action? Or will I
just stay at home, staring the computer monitor, going nowhere, just
hiding in my room as always???
I … will I … will I ever change???
gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which
you really stop to look fear in the face. You must do the thing which
you think you cannot do.”
grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously.
This is how character is built.”
It’s always easy to quote, but I’ll let you know… the practice
is ‘a little bit’ illusive to me…