
You are Orange Monkey, who is lively, fresh and give an active impression.
Your personality is straight forward, and is a very attractive person to be with.
You are also very sociable, and can keep an eye on people too.
Nevertheless, you tend to be rather nervous and worry about things bit too much.
You tend to have a needless fear.
You come up with ideas very quickly, but at the same time, you can easily give up.
You lack perseverance.
You should be more open and natural to have a foresight for the future.
You have an instinct to attract people.
You are a charismatic person to whom people naturally get attracted.
You have a flexibility to be able to adapt to any circumstance, and know how to get ahead in life.
You never miss to calculate the profit and loss, and live life rationally.
This makes you difficult to have an intimate relationship.
Once you set an objective, you will work extremely hard to achieving it, and can exercise great tactics.
Nevertheless, you tend to easily change your target as well.
You tend to be very independent woman, and will hate to be restricted to your family.
You may start to feel your family to be an obstruction to your life.
If you can have a job that would act as a freshener, your life would be smoother.
You tend to have a fantasy world in your head, and may hold a girlish dream all through your life.
After getting married, your family will be important to you, and you will be able to raise a happy family.
Hehe... deskripsinya sih hampir bener semua :D Cuma kurang enak aja simbolnya :p
Wait?!!! Orange... orange.... kayanya itu warna favoritnya... hihi... anyway, if you want to try this just visit this site.
ko bisa? dapet dari mana?
terjemahan bebasnya dong ;))
tuh, klik aja link-nya (klo ga salah tadi aku bikin link-nya di kalimat terakhir) :D
atau ini kalau ga bisa http://world.doubutsu-uranai.com/
silakan minta tolong ke http://translate.google.com/
kalo aq isinya begini (tp pake nama lain :P)
You are Green Fawn, whose expression and attitude seems slow and lacks energetic action.
You are quiet and don't say much.
You will not show your inner feelings to people easily.
You have the heart of a young child, and although you may act bit selfish, you will not make enemies.
You are shy and reserved, and tends to be bit like dreaming little girl.
By depending on others you express yourself, and therefore people find it hard to hate you.
You are not very good at handling real world.
You are interested in emotional and mental fields.
And tend to study subjects like religion and mysterious things.
You have a tendency to be self satisfied, but you yourself do not mind that at all.
You actually enjoy that.
You are good at fending off other people's frustration and anger.
Therefore you don't get caught up in troubles, and are able to lead a quiet and peaceful life.
You can not stand difficult situations, and will easily give things up.
If you can work with those people who are gentle and kind, they can bring out your inner talent.
Once married, you will be an excellent wife who would protect her house and family.
hmmm... bener ga tuwh... hihi...
kayanya yang terakhir cuman yg bener hahahaha (ngarep XP)
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