Tuesday, November 15, 2011

49 Days (Movie Review)

I just done watching a korean drama titled “49 Days" last month.

The movie review said its genre is drama, romantic, fantasy, comedy.

The story is about a naïve girl (or woman?), named Shin Ji Hyun. She’s a very cheerful and naïve girl who is surrounded by people who loves her (or looks like so).

One day, she got an accident that put her into a coma. Her soul is leaving her body. But she is not dead yet. She is given a chance to get her life back in 49 days. All she need to do is collecting 3 pure tears from 3 persons who truly loves her, who would cry for her just because the thought of her.

She will be able to wander as human in a woman’s body. But she can only use that woman’s body while the woman’s asleep. The name of the woman is Song Yi Kyung, she actually the cause of the accidents that put Shin Ji Hyun into a coma. But Ji Hyun doesn’t know this yet.
The story itself is really interesting. Ji Hyun finds out a lot of things that she didn’t expected before. At first she thought it would be easy to get those 3 pure tears, but then she realizes that people’s heart is more complicated than it seems.

Things is not always what it seems… Her best friend is actually betrayed her with her fiancee. Her old friends doesn’t really like her. The point is, it’s not easy to find the one who really loves her for real with pure heart.

But she became more mature. Knowing things that she never knew before, what’s actually happen around her, she realizes that all this long she’s been too innocent, too naïve, she should learn to see more what’s in others intention. What others receive is not always what she expected to be.

She also realizes that the person who never been ‘nice’ to her is actually the one who’s willing to do anything to help her.

She almost run out her 49 days, when finally on the last minute, she got two more pure tears she needed to come back to life. She finally awoke from his coma.

But her happiness is not for long, she got news that her life would be taken for real in 6 days. The scheduler (the one who will bring the soul to ‘the other world’), told her that she can choose whether she wants to remember the whole 49 days or forget it for the rest of her days.
She chose to remember. She decided to live the rest of her 6 days cheerfully. She wants to leave the image of cheerful girl on the people around her. That she really enjoys every seconds of her life.

Awww… I know my review is not thoroughly. I don’t feel satisfied with what I write here. Too many details missing. I guess I just retell the big picture, the rest of the details is still trapped inside my head :P


joyce boutique said...

hikmah yang saya dapat setelah nonton drama ini :
syukurilah apa yang dimiliki sekarang, sebelum hilang ^^

Tika Gartika Mustikarani said...

betul...betul... ^^

Mulyani Hasanah said...

mau nontonnnnnnnnnn......minjem dunk

Tika Gartika Mustikarani said...

boleh... boleh... sini flashdisk, ntar aku copy-in ^^v