Monday, April 30, 2012

Bella's Wedding Scene

What's so envious from Bella's wedding?
To me... it's not the dress,
not the cake,
not the garden party,
not even the groom (vampire is a very rare species in the real world you know :p).

This scene... the one I envy the most...

Bella : "Just don't let me fall, Dad"
Charlie : "Never"

She got her father by her side...
I miss my Dad...


rita robiyanti said...


rita robiyanti said...

*maksudnya ikon meluk

Tika Gartika Mustikarani said...

*peluk balik

arigatooo... ^^

Mulyani Hasanah said...

Make istilahnya doblang.... Aaahhhhh adekku sayang >:d

Tika Gartika Mustikarani said...

aiiihhhh... kakakku chayaaannnkkk... *peyuk