Tuesday, June 12, 2012

An Invisible Sign (movie review)

Weekend kemarin menyempatkan diri menonton film yang judulnya 'menarik'.

An Invisible Sign

Starred by me, eh... maksudnya Jessica Alba

Nice movie (not a great one, but a nice drama).
About life, family, and being a grown up.
I think the main topic is about taking control for your own life.
You can't wait for someone to come take control and clean up the mess and deal with everything for you.
You are the person in charge.
You take control.
You make your own decision.
Live your life to the fullest.
Learn from your mistakes.
No regrets.

*picture taken from here.


Cinderellanty Chan said...

Kenapa di posternya ada angka 1 dan 6 hehee penasaran
OOT :p

Tika Gartika Mustikarani said...

hehe... tokoh utamanya ceritanya sangat menyukai angka (matematika), jadi di posternya banyak angka :D